It doesn't matter who you are or how old you are, all you need is the desire to "cooperate". You can participate in several ways:

  • Studying in the participating rooms in your city: go to your nearest solidarity room, scan your room QR code and ADD HOURS. Take your books and commit to study a minimum of 1 hour. A sponsor will donate 1 EURO to the project for each hour of study.
  • Becoming a solidarity room, registering and paying the solidarity participation fee.
  • Helping to organize the Olympiad and to ensure its smooth running as a volunteer.
  • Sponsoring the OSE: If you are a company or public entity you can become sponsor and support us in the development of the SOLIDARITY OLYMPICS.
  • Any interested person can become a sponsor by supporting the project we are studying this year, you only have to buy, donating to Room 0.
  • Spreading and promoting the activity in your environment, sharing our content in your networks, supporting the dissemination, forwarding our newsletter to your contacts. Just follow our networks and share.


It doesn't matter who you are or how old you are, all you need is the desire to "cooperate"