The Solidarity Study Olympiad (SSO) is an international activity aimed primarily at children and young people.

Qué es la olimpiada solidaria de estudio

Its main objective is to contribute to SDGs 4, 10 and 17.

osd 4 Educación de calidad
osd 10 Reducción de las desilgualdades
osd 17 Alianzas para lograr los objetivos

For each hour of study time spent by a student in any of the solidarity rooms of the participating countries, the organization of the Olympiad allocates one EURO to co-finance cooperation projects.

The OSE is held every year for one month during the school calendar. It takes place in formal and non-formal education centers.

In each edition one or more projects, always in the field of education/training, are selected to be supported by the Olympiad.

Under slogans such as ´'My study builds their future', the OSE becomes a real solidarity revolution that promotes human values, where everyone can contribute their grain of sand.